events Design Week 2018 territory


17.04.2018 - 22.04.2018

Isabella Angelantoni Geiger

presents: Building Invisible Cities

You are here: 29 Arts in Progress Gallery


5vie event

physical event


29 Arts in Progress Gallery

Via San Vittore, 13

Three elements stand out in IAG’s work and they perfectly fit together: space, time and architecture.

Isabella Angelantoni Geiger is an artist who lives and works in Milan, where she was formed; a city where, as shown by Boccioni, form lives in the continuity of space and where tradition and artistic research are related to 'Space and Time', from Futurism, through Lucio Fontana until Luciano Fabro.

The Isabella’s creations  move in the same direction but adds a new organic sensibility linked to a certain ambiguity and instability of the form itself.

Here it is as poised, unstable, and requires a constant search for equilibrium and balance. The work in some way remains open just as slyly and subtly seems to never come to sedimentation and find "peace." On the contrary it seems to be fitted with a vital push the door to grow and sometimes to implode.

Consider sculpture as an organic process is one of the merits of Isabella Angelantoni Geiger, so forms and templates are developed in space without ever to close, in a process that 'not all' and that alludes to infinity and multiplication, as it occurs in Brancusi and Fontana.