Eva De Haan

Eva De Haan


Born in England in 1992, London-based Eve De Haan is a multidisciplinary artist specializing in text-driven neon works and evocative spaces. Her focus on text developed out of her theology studies, during which she realized the power of text to elicit potent, collective emotions. Neon has allowed her to explore “how malleable definitions of words and phrases can be.” De Haan’s works probe topics including technology, youth culture, and relationships.
De Haan takes inspiration from everyday experiences and resonant personal narratives. While her work often only shares a small part of any story, she sees every piece and environment she creates as offering a tantalizing beginning that allows the viewer to personally relate, invest, and “to complete the story themselves.” Storytelling, she observes, “is a way of carrying culture.”
De Haan has exhibited both in Europe and the US in iconic venues such as London’s Saatchi Gallery and the Museum of Neon Art in LA. Recent highlights include leading an Instagram Live for the Tate Modern, creating billboard art in London, and crafting neon artwork for Nike. De Haan’s work has been included in several major publications.

