Isabella Accenti

Isabella Accenti


" The art of turning memories into unique works"

Isabella Accenti is a semifinalist of the Premio Arte 2021 - Cairo editore

In 2019 Isabella Accenti is selected among the "new proposals" at the MIA Photo Fair in Milan, winning ex aequo the 1st Rossana Orlandi Prize.

In the same year she is nominated among 150 participants to the 2019 Eberhard Prize of FOTOFEVER in PARIS PHOTO, Paris.

The peculiarity of Isabella Accenti's art is to create unique works in which images of old photographs are mixed with fragments of Cubist, Dadaist, Futurist and Surrealist art.

The subjects depicted by the artist evoke stories of people, entrepreneurs, dynasties where art merges with history.

Her journey is a creative journey into history and memory.

Isabella Accenti works only with an exclusive fine paper, 100% cotton produced since 1492. A long technical manual process of laying and washing makes each of her creations a unique and unrepeatable work of art.



