events Design Week 2021 territory


04.09.2021 - 10.09.2021

Isabella Accenti

presents: Timelessart

You are here: Isabella Accenti


5vie event

physical event


Isabella Accenti

Via Lesmi

"Timelessart" is the definition and the guiding line of all the artworks of Isabella Accenti where the concept of time is interpreted and expressed in a very personal artistic way.The rediscovery of the family photographic archive brings back lost memories that the artist tries to bring back to life so as not to forget. Here all the artworks of Isabella Accenti, originated from old images and than trasnsformed in “photographic painting”  begin a journey into memory with the aim of finding a connection between past and present and creating a meeting point, a new time, "suspended" as the artist defines and where the past comes back to life.