5vie event
digital event
via Amedei 8
On the occasion of Milano Design City - an event wanted by the City of Milan for the relaunch of the city as an international reference point for the culture of the project involving the highest institutions and districts active in the field of design and creativity - HoperAperta, in the setting of Palazzo Recalcati inside the exhibition halls of the Wannenes Auction House, presents the exhibition Totem e Tabù ovvero Il Mondo Capovolto, a collection of installations-objects conceived as unique pieces that reread and reinterpret the relationship between totemic figures and aesthetic taboos in the contemporary world, between the structure of everyday objects and the poetic imagination of the work of art.
On display the works of art design by Angela Ardisson designer, Maurizio Barberis artist, Alfonso Femia / AF* Design architect, Dario Ghibaudo artist, Duccio Grassi architect, Steve Piccolo sound artist, Davide Valoppi / Studio Noarc architect, Alberto Vannetti artist.
HoperAperta is a cultural platform, a project shared by several actors, architects, designers, artists and curators, invited to collaborate on a common path to relate different skills, art, project and high craftsmanship. For the 2020 edition, the eight authors involved, confront each other on the theme Totem & Taboo, proposing a different story and their own vision of the world.
The projects will be realized in collaboration with Italian companies - CL Livio Colombo, Cromonichel, Julia Marmi, Marmi Faedo - active in the field of marble, stone, wood, metal, brass working, and will give life to a series of unique pieces that aim, through a renewed synthesis of the arts, the development of a virtual catalog of works that will be added, enriching it, to the experience of the past edition of HoperAperta.
And this is how Angela Ardisson presents the luminous installation Kepler, a perfect sphere inspired by a NASA mission, Maurizio Barberis the furniture for collectors Studiolo, a work in itself to accommodate objects and works of art. And again the work of Alfonso Femia, a Star Map inspired by the oldest known, the Disco di Nebra, Dario Ghibaudo with three works that are part of his Museum of Unnatural History. And finally the Triptych by Duccio Grassi, a modular furnishing system with circular shelves, La Pirogue by Davide Valloppi, a sculpture table with anthropomorphic light and with the tapestry Utopie and Gloria, the Golden Fleece, Alberto Vannetti faces the myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece.
In addition, the sound designer Steve Piccolo, musical author and artist active in the New York scene of the nineties, proposes a site specific videomusic performance.
HoperAperta, in fact, in this particular moment, felt the need to widen the boundaries of its experience by associating to the exhibition project a series of video proposals - including the one realized ad hoc by Steve Piccolo - that could be the premises for a 2021 edition, also involving Álvaro Catalán De Ocón, Mariano Martín, LOT-EK and Tom Piper, authors linked to the cities of Madrid and New York, places at this time particularly active from the point of view of artistic offer, as well as, like Milan, hard hit by the pandemic.
A series of meetings and presentations with some of the protagonists of the works on display are also planned during the exhibition days.
We thank Montelvini for the supply of wines.